Exhibition "Looking for Taisetsu Stone" at Artist In Residence Asahikawa, Asahikawa, 2021
Looking for Taisetsu Stone
7 Stones from Taisetsu Mountain, Macadams, Sunlight
In Didier Courbot's "The Seven Diamonds," situated in the Tokachi Sennennomori (Tokachi Millennium Forest), a stone plaque declares that 'seven diamonds have been secretly placed in seven different locations on this land.' The specific diamond placements remain undisclosed, leaving uncertainty about their actual presence. The tablet alone is presented, leaving viewers unaware if the seven diamonds truly exist. Yet, envisioning seven diamonds hidden in a vast 400-hectare forest alters one's perspective of the place. The intriguing aspect of "The Seven Diamonds" lies in how, by singling out a location, the viewer becomes part of the narrative, consciously or not. Had it stated 'Seven stones found in the river were secretly placed in seven different locations in the area,' would the viewer perceive the place as special? Despite stones in the river having minimal scarcity or utility value, and a market value of zero, each stone becomes a local history storyteller, 'a mystery and a wonder.'
In "Searching for Taisetsu na Ishi," stones gathered from a river originating in the Taisetsu Mountains are arranged on a 0.01-hectare plot. This artwork compels viewers to seek out these stones amid the collection. The search becomes a process of keen observation. Whether residents or visitors, participants in this work experience a shift in their perception of the surroundings and the adjacent mountain. They discern the distinction between crushed stones from another mountain and those from the Daisetsuzan Mountains. The act of hunting for stones in the Daisetsuzan fosters an understanding of the locale and ties it to the survival context, preparing for potential future disasters. If a stone from the Great Snowy Mountains alters our perception of this place, it's not due to market influence but rather the inherent value of life.
In the 1964 US special effects film "7 Faces of Dr. Lao", Dr. Lao's magical circus troupe visits a small town in Arizona. After saving the town on the brink of extinction, Dr. Lao departs, and a young boy named Mike follows him. Dr. Lao imparts to Mike that sand (dust) is 'a mystery and a wonder.' Initially, I misinterpreted 'wonder' as 'threat' due to the Japanese translation. However, I now believe it's not a significant misunderstanding because whether it's sand or stone, it embodies a sense of mystery, wonder, and even threat.
Mike, the whole world is a circus if you look at it the right way. Every time you pick up a handful of dust, and see not the dust, but a mystery, a marvel, there in your hand. Every time you stop and think, "I'm alive, and being alive is fantastic!”, every time such a thing happens, Mike, you are part of the Circus of Dr. Lao.
Quoted from "7 Faces of Dr. Lao"
展覧会『大雪な石を探す』アーティストインレジデンスあさひかわ 旭川市 2021年
7つの大雪山の石 砕石 太陽光
十勝千年の森に設置されたディディエ・クールボの『七つのダイヤモンド』では、「七つのダイヤモンドがこの土地の七つの場所に秘かに置かれた」と書かれた石板が設置された。ダイヤモンドがどこに置かれたかの示唆はない。ただ石板だけが提示され、ダイヤモンドが本当に七つ隠されているかはわからない。しかし、およそ400ヘクタールの広大な森に七つダイヤモンドがあると想像した時、人はその場所の見方を変えるだろう。『七つのダイヤモンド』で興味深いのは、作品によってその場所を特別視したとき、自覚のあるなしに関わらず鑑賞者はマーケットの一部に取り込まれる点だ。もし「川で拾った七つの石がこの土地の七つの場所に秘かに置かれた」と書かれていたら、鑑賞者はその場所を特別に感じただろうか。川に落ちている石には希少性も利用価値もほとんど見出されておらず、それらの市場価値は無に等しい。しかし、石はどれもその土地の歴史の語り部であり、「謎(a mystery)であり、驚異(a marvel)」である。
Mike, the whole world is a circus if you look at it the right way. Every time you pick up a handful of dust, and see not the dust, but a mystery, a marvel, there in your hand. Every time you stop and think, "I'm alive, and being alive is fantastic!”, every time such a thing happens, Mike, you are part of the Circus of Dr. Lao.